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Life N Libraries

I am a future librarian and have been a life long reader. I wanted to set up a blog to share things about life and about libraries/reading experiences and how these worlds collide. I hope you enjoy reading about each moment!

Currently reading

Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God. A Broken Mother's Search for Hope.
Angela Yuan, Christopher Yuan
Introduction to Information Science
Lyn Robinson, David Bawden
God Is Not Mad at You: You Can Experience Real Love, Acceptance & Guilt-free Living
Joyce Meyer
My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet--Plus 140 New Engine 2 Recipes
Rip Esselstyn
Progress: 12/288 pages
Something Like Summer
Jay Bell
Progress: 127/224 pages