I put the "feeling love" emoji because I LOVE this book and I LOVE this actress. Julie Walters is one of my favorite actresses of all time and she is so freaking hilarious. However, she is also a very versatile actress she can do comedy, drama and just about anything she sets her mind too. It was interesting to hear her story about when she was growing up in Birmingham England and how life was different back then compared to now. She gives us an intimate portrait into how she creates the characters she has played like Mrs. overall and how she gets her inspiration from her own grandmother. She also talks about some of the people she has worked with over the years like Celia Imrie, Victoria Wood, Michael Caine and so many other fantastic people. Also, a lot of the book has a special wit or humor that only could be described as Julie Walters. I found it interesting to see how so many of the events and people within her life have shaped who she is.
I became a fan of Julie's when she first started playing Mrs. Weasley from the Harry Potter series. He portrayal of Mrs. Weasley made me love the character even more. From the characters motherly love and warmth to her feisty wand wielding temperament she is an all around well rounded character to be a background character. Anyway, I digressed, I loved the character and wanted to see what others works that Ms. Walters had done and I started finding her old comedy skits on Youtube and LOVED them. Normally (with me being from the states) I don't normally get British humor as well. For instance when I have watched monty python I get the humor only about half of the time. However, with Julies' Comedy skits they were awesome and I laughed so much over them and still do. She definitely wowed me her humor and acting abilities but she also seems to be a genuine down to earth wonderful soul and I hope to have the privileged of meeting her someday. This book was a true pleasure to read and reread. I have read this book probably 4 times (Audio).
Anyway, I encourage you if your a Julie Walters fan or if your new to her it is definitely a book worth reading or listening too for sure!
P.S. she has also written another book (Fiction) entitled Maggie's Tree if your interested. I haven't read it yet.